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Sunday Severe Weather Check-In Thread

There's nothing quite like waking up to thunder, lightning and rain on a day when the last thing in the world you need is more rain. Welcome to Oklahoma, where the rain only falls in too amounts: too much and too little. We all know what kind of year 2015 has become.

Here in our county, we've already had more Tornado Warnings this year than we had in all of last year, and I'm pretty sure Paula may have had more rain in the last week than she had all of last year (and if not, she's getting close to achieving that).

So, here's today's Severe Weather Check-In Thread. Maybe one day we'll be able to go outside and step foot in our yards and gardens (without them being under water) and discuss regular gardening tasks again.

And, yes, I'm already watching the radar.

I need to harvest sugar snap peas and green beans today and intend to do it whenever I can find a break in the rain. I will not be denied the opportunity to harvest something before the garden drowns or floats downstream.

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there.

Y'all be careful today. There's two rounds of severe weather possible today---the ongoing one this morning and another one later in the day.

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