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April FOTESS Swap--Wedding Wonders!

First, you need to be a member to join this swap. If you’d
like to join our group contact sjc or sandlapper_rose and they’ll give you
details. No, you don’t have to donate a pint of blood, learn a secret handshake
or be sworn in. This is a formality that keeps us safe and protects against the
few in the world who like to take advantage, fleece and bamboozle.

Why Wedding Wonders?

I have the opportunity to marry my cousin in April so I
thought this would make a fun Fotess Swap!


  1. Sign
    up on this thread if you wish to play.
  2. Each
    person will be assigned a partner to swap with. Swap anything related to
    wedding: wedding flower seeds such as Baby’s Breath or Lilies, white
    flowers, birdseed wedding favor, your choice. Please send three items of
    any combination of seed/gift/favor. If you can connect it to wedding…you
    can send it! Deadline to mail is April 15 since you’ll be mailing in your
    taxes anyway! Ha
  3. Share
    part of your wedding story on the thread. Did you have 12 bridesmaids? You
    got got hitched in a meadow under arching ivy? You rode off in a horse and
    buggy? Your dad stood at the back of the church with a shotgun? (I have a
    vivid imagination. Every story is unique and we all love to hear your
    stories!) I don’t want to leave anybody out and if you’ve never been
    married I don’t want to exclude you. God calls everyone to a purpose and
    a plan. You can also share a favorite wedding story that isn’t necessarily
    yours or your fantasy wedding.
  4. If you
    want to share a wedding photo that would be lovely, too. (No pressure.)

Warning: I’m not the best with games. I’ll see how it


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