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STILL waiting for spring but starting more seeds anyway

zone7patti (7b)
9 years ago

So, what are the chances our temps will stay in the 70s when it finally warms up next week? On Sunday, I found saved seeds hiding in a spot that had gone untouched for a couple years because I just knew what was in there--and that wasn't seeds. I planted a couple dozen extra tomatoes. (After my mom died, I found tomato seed packs over a decade old in her collection. I put a whole pack out at the same time and I think they all sprouted!) I'm planing to interplant mine around the whole yard. I also found hollyhocks, marigolds and zinnias, along with some mystery seed (I'm a seed thief and sometimes don't mark things), and some peas and Kentucky wonder beans. I expect a little success with them but they're all direct sow in my garden, so I'm waiting for the weather gods to let it warm up. All the seeds now live on top of the counter in the kitchen so I don't put them back into a Good Spot and forget about them again. ttfn pk


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