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County Extension/Horticulture agents

9 years ago

Folks, many of us here make frequent recommendations to this or that poster-to talk to your county extension agent about some plant problem. Political content ahead: Simply put, in today's statehouses, especially in those headed up by a certain political party which begins with the letter R, such positions are being eliminated at breakneck speed. Here in Wisconsin, a certain governor has submitted his budget proposal which all but eliminates vast chunks of what we've come to value, in the areas of horticultural, environmental, and just plain natural resources science and help.

Hate on me if you must-I really and truly don't care-but this is spreading like cancer across the nation, this idea that a guy can be some kind of hero for getting you a 5 dollar savings on your property tax while eliminating programs of immense value right and left. It's ugly and obscene, but these guys know most people don't have the time to wade through 1500 pages of documents to see what all is on the chopping block. You might want to get active.


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