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Grafting Moro Blood orange to Calamondin Rootstock


So I've been getting oranges off of my Moro Blood orange for the first time. Wow, they are tasty!
I have 3 other citrus trees. Meyer Lemon, Persian Lime, and a Calamondin.
My other citrus trees produce nicely, but after have my first few blood oranges, I can't believe I've spent so much time growing a calamondin.

I'm tossing around the idea, to use my calamondin as a rootstock for a Moro blood orange graft. The calamondin is over 10 yrs old.
Does anyone else have any exprince using a calamondin as a rootstock?
What may be some draw backs?

This post was edited by CitrusWeekendWarrior on Thu, Jan 29, 15 at 22:32

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