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SdlM vs. Catherine Mermet - no contest

Adam Harbeck
9 years ago

So I recently added these two to my potted cutting rose garden.
I used to have the climbing version of SdlM, but it's spring flush turned to mush in our soaking spring rains and it didn't repeat well enough over summer for me to spare is life.

The bush version has powered along since potting up, producing quite a few blooms, but Catherine leaves it in the shade. More flowers, better formed flowers, better lasting flowers and the scent is the same as SdlM, only about 4 times stronger and continuous. Shes so good I had to buy another.

This post was edited by adamharbeck on Fri, Jan 30, 15 at 20:22

Comments (6)

  • ingrid_vc so. CA zone 9
    9 years ago

    I've grown both, but in my climate and my garden SdlM is for me much the better rose. The bush itself has a beautiful rounded and full shape, with no canes visible, and the flowers look almost sculpted compared to the somewhat more informal shape of CM. I'm not good at smelling most tea roses, but at the same time can't say that the somewhat beery fragrance of SdlM is one of my favorites. SdlM is however the rose that has bloomed most in my garden, and for practically the whole year, and for me rarely balls even in moister winter weather.

    This is really a matter of taste and also how well each rose does in any particular garden. SdlM can be a mildewy and balled mess in coastal gardens and a star in gardens like mine. I really don't know how well CM does everywhere, but I imagine it would ball less than SdlM in more humid climates,, while probably being more frost-tender than SdlM. It will be interesting to see what others think. In the final analysis, the rose you love best is the best rose for you!


  • Alana8aSC
    9 years ago

    Thanks! SdlM Didn't grow well for me the times I tried, I may look into this one if we have someone who carries it over here. I'm Hot and Humid. Beautiful Picture!

    Looked her up, but she gets kinda big, I have some big ones coming in trade so better to wait on her. I thought she would be small like SdlM. But thanks for sharing!

    This post was edited by Alana7bSC on Sun, Feb 1, 15 at 10:55

  • Sow_what? Southern California Inland
    9 years ago

    I don't see a lot of similarity between the two either, but like Ingrid, I'm growing SdlM in a very dry climate. I also suspect that the soil at Humpty Dumpty House plays a role in making our roses look different than the same rose grown even just a few miles away. Our SdlM is shown below.

    It's always a bit like heaven finding your very own "perfect" rose, so congratulations Adam!

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    Here is a link that might be useful: Facebook Page for Humpty Dumpty House

  • Adam Harbeck
    Original Author
    9 years ago

    I agree they look nothing alike, but looks don't really worry me. I am more concerned with scent. I've heard people rave about the scent of SdlM, but it's really not that crash hot ( Sorry Ingrid, but I like the strong sharp scents like Prospero, MIP and Best Friends)
    I also really like the fact that CM produces long stems that are great for cutting. Apparently she was a famous florists rose in her day.
    I also prefer CMs blended pink and yellow tones to SdlMs bleached pink.
    I tried to get a hold of Souvenir de Saint Annes after reading its EarthKind profile, but they were sold out. Maybe next year.

    Forgot to mention that I held off getting CM for ages becauae whenever I've seen it in a display garden is just been a dead stick with a plaque. Its so interesting how roses can thrive or fail in different areas.

    This post was edited by adamharbeck on Sun, Feb 1, 15 at 19:17

  • Adam Harbeck
    Original Author
    9 years ago

    Wow that was a lot of Is.

  • jaspermplants
    9 years ago

    I grow both and love them both. If I had to choose, and hope I never have to, I 'd probably choose SDLM, probably because she blooms a little more than CM. But, I think SDLM mildews more than CM. Not too much of a problem in my hot, dry climate though.

    I'm glad to hear someone praising CM,though, because she is a great rose and I don't hear about her much, it seems. I also had her lovely sport, Bridemaiid, but moved her and she died. Would love to get that rose again, if I can find her.