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Getting Fiddle Leaf Fig Healthy Enough to Re-Pot in Spring

9 years ago

Hi All! I'm brand new to this forum but have been reading threads like crazy the past few days. Sorry this might be long, but I'm going to try to give all of the relevant information I can!

I just purchased a fiddle leaf fig on craigslist last week. We moved it in a rented cargo van so it wasn't wiping in the cold wind on the way home. It's been in my home for about 6 days.

{{gwi:2117642}}Here she is!


  • The plant is about 8 feet tall

  • It is situated about 7 feet from a very large south-eastern facing window (a little more toward the east than south).

  • It can receive full/direct morning sun from about 8:00am to 11:00am. Otherwise it's in bright indirect light (when it's sunny out) for the rest of the day.

  • When it's getting direct sun I can have a box fan on in the room (not blowing on the plant) to improve temperature and air circulation (hoping that will keep it from burning).

  • Humidity level near the plant is from 30-45% (I have a humidifier near but not blowing on the plant)

  • It's potted in the same peaty soil in a large decorative plastic pot from the nursery the original owner bought it from with no drainage hole. (I know this is BAD)

  • It does not appear to my untrained eye to have any kind of infestation. I don't see any mealy bugs or spider mite webs.


  • She had the plant for about 1.5 years. Selling because she's moving to a smaller house.

She had it directly in a south-western corner with windows on both sides and a skylight directly above. She had a lot of tall trees in her yard so it was getting a lot of indirect light from the windows and direct mid-day light from the skylight.
She told me she waters about 8oz of water every week or two. She said she over-watered at the beginning of ownership but learned to give a tiny amount of water after the pot completely dried. This seems like a TINY amount of water for an 8 foot plant and I suspect that she has had to water in these "sips" because of the soil.
She said it has had no leaf dropping or major problems recently.
She has never fertilized it.
There are some corky looking areas on many of the leaves that she blamed on too much direct mid-day light but I'm thinking it could be from inability to properly water due to the soil.
She did not water it the day I brought it home, but said it was probably time to water it. The soil was pulled away from the sides of the plastic pot and I waited a couple of days before watering so I gave it a good splash of brita filtered water.


  • A few days after watering I noticed some clear liquid oozing from the under side of the petiols, right where the leaf starts. It's not a milky white so I don't think it's sap. It's not sticky, but is a bit more...

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