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Have you read any of Trollope's Palliser books?

14 years ago

Funny how the Internet takes you on winding trails! I was in an organizing/uncluttering blog's forums, where someone linked to a NYTimes commentary on "How to Lose a Legacy" (what to do with all those family heirlooms that you really didn't want anyway or which just don't fit your lifestyle but which come with pounds and pounds of memories and guilt), and a commenter refers to the value of the jewels that are the subject of Trollope's "The Eustace Diamonds."

Which I now know is part of a 6-book series that interconnect.

If you've read any, is it important to read the "first" book published, to get the basic footing for the Diamonds book? (I'd have to research that to see which that is!)

And having never read Trollope, I have no idea what I'm in for...

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