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Bonfire menace , nuisance, bane,

17 years ago

Hi everyone hope you're are enjoying you gardens to the max this summer..... I unfortunately cannot.

My neighbours (whom are also my Landlord - tricky ) seem to love to burn all garden waste (stupid ehh?) even grass cuttings (damp) . This is not a roaring vigorous fire, oh its the sort that smoulders for hours and hours if not days (even weeks) with little wisps of smoke hugging the ground.. This results in incessant watering of my eyes and a sore throat. It is the bane of my life particularly in the summer ruining quality time especially in the evenings. I could not even have the windows open in the 30 + heat sweltering !

I cannot believe there are no laws against this sort of thing, its so anti-social and above all a health hazard (bonfire smoke is 1000 times more carcinogenic than cigarette smoke). Unlike cigarette smoke I cannot escape it.

Sorry to rant !!!!

IÂm just 'Venting' as they say over there; and maybe looking for just a pinch of sympathy....

Anyway as you were and thanks for reading...

all best LKL

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