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HAVE: Tomato varieties

19 years ago

Seeds are available from this season's tomato varieties listed below. Just email me your selections and I'll give you my postal address - I will send up to eight varieties in exchange for a SASE.

1884 - seed for this variety was supposedly found and germinated after a huge flood in the US in 1884. Large pink beefsteak. Late season.

Airyleaf - long shape similar to San Marzano, medium pink. Good producer. Mid season.

Alyesha Popovich - received this in a trade from Belarus, a prolific red beefsteak variety, copes well with shadey conditions. Mid late.

Amish salad - prolific pink small egg shape. Early.

Big Yellow - large deep yellow beefsteak, not a big producer. Late.

Black Early - good producer, large purple/black beefsteak with green shoulders. Mid late.

Black Krim - ditto

Brandywine (Sudduth strain) - large pink beefsteak. Late.

Burwood Prize - Prolific, small red globes.

Cherokee Chocolate - mahogany/purple beefsteak. Late.

Crnkovic Yugoslavian - very large pink beefsteak. Mid season.

Druzba - medium large red globes, Bulgarian. Early.

Eckert Polish - large pink beefsteak, one of my favourites, and the seeds are from my brother's plant.... my plant wasn't correct this year so I begged for some tomatoes for seeds. Mid late.

Erika D'Australia - very large red beefsteak. Very late.

Geswein's Purple Bonny Best - medium pink globe. Late.

Golden Oxheart - medium yellow variable shapes. Late.

Heatherington Pink - medium to large pink beefsteak. Late.

Indian Moon - medium yellow globe. Mid late.

Jaune Flammee - prolific orange small globe. Early.

Jaune Negib - prolific small yellow beefsteak with creamy coloured flesh. Early.

Lucky Cross - large pink/yellow bi-colour beefsteak, not a big producer but taste was great. Late.

Manyel - medium yellow globes, slightly citrus notes.

Marianna's Peace - large pink beefsteak, not a big producer but great taste. Late.

Mother Russia - medium pink globe. Early.

Pale Perfect Purple - large pink globe. Mid season. Best tasting tomato at the Rutherglen Tomato Taste Fest, but we didn't have any of the late varieties to compare with, so keep that in mind. Some of the late varieties have fantastic flavour and well worth the wait (if your season is long enough!).

Pearly Pink Cherry - prolific pink plum shape. Mid season.

Principe Borghese - red plum, great for drying. Mid season.

Prue - deep pink heart, not a big producer but tasty. Late.

Red Brandywine - large red beefsteak, good producer. Late.

Regina's Yellow - huge pink/yellow bi-colour beefsteak. Late.

Rose Quartz multiflora - prolific multiple clusters of small pink cherry tomatoes, like bunches of grapes. Early.

Stor Gul - medium large variable shape yellow (mostly globes), good producer. Mid season.

The Orange - prolific apricot coloured beefsteak. Late.

Whippersnapper - dwarf plant (good for containers), prolific pink plum cherry tomatoes.


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