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19 years ago

The garden is full. I've just given away a ute-full of plants for the third time and I've hurled out about 40litres of spring bulbs.

I'm feeling 'been there, done that' and I'm not sure how to get started on something different.

Don't want to get into collecting anything or specialising. Major food production isn't called for. No need for huge floral displays. Not into more propagating zillions of natives or other things any more. (Not 'never' but not now, either.)

I have been thinking about developing (from zilch!) my artistic flair for placing plant forms, colours, textures. I can do without the turquoise paint and doodads.

Or do I settle back to enjoy some garden time free of navvying and major hard labour?

Who else has been through this phase and lived to tell the tale? Who else found a new challenge or venture that doesn't need heaps of space or chemical competence?

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