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Did well

17 years ago

Had a good season for begonias of various kinds and the marigolds really boomed over summer (which is rare because I often plant late...)

The small orange Zinnias are putting in a hearty effort and looking sumptuous in a brown-glazed pot at the entry.

Huge relief and celebration to find a seedling of Littonia modesta, which I thought I'd lost, coming up in a pot of Merulaspherula (and if I spelt that incorrectly so be it. It's too long to repeat!)

I'm hoping I dried off the Clivias enough to convince them that flowering is the only answer this winter.

I'm looking at the first sprouts of the early Narcissus coming above ground - and the madness of various Primula in flowering at this time (did they ever stop?!)

Not many wasps this year, and fewer than usual rosellas so I had more apples for me, the horses and people friends.

Thinking dire thoughts about more succulents to help the garden survive more frequent El Ninos.

Deep sympathy for the folk in Solomon Islands. All that hard work and homes just swished away. May the weather stay kindly while they put their communities back together.

