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How Deep Do I Sow My Seeds?

11 years ago

"I trade for many of my seeds and sometimes the sowing depth information is not always included on the packet. What is the correct depth that I should sow my seeds?"

I sow my seeds twice as deep as the seed's smallest dimension.

As examples:

Foxglove seeds are the size of dust so just pat them into the soil surface.

Columbine seeds are the size of fleas so just pat them into the soil surface.

Grass is small and narrow too so just pat those seeds into the soil surface.

Marigolds may be a 1/2 inch long but they're quite narrow and flat so sow them just under the soil surface.

A bachelor button seed is maybe a 1/16 of an inch wide so sow them an 1/8th inch under the soil surface.

Next size up would be a coneflower seed....sow that about a 1/4 inch under the soil.

A pea or a corn seed is getting bigger. That's about a 1/4 inch across so sow that about a half inch down.

A navy-bean seed is bigger....maybe 3/4 of an inch down.

And a scarlet runner bean is quite fat....that should be a full inch down.

An acorn....well, hmm. How deep is "squirrel depth"? ==============================================

I hope this info was not too much "in depth", LOL!


