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Pruning Fuchsias?

12 years ago

Garden Plants: In the Autumn trim down to 18" for the winter period. This stops high winter winds from loosening your plants, but still leaves enough old growth to protect 'crown' of plant from frost damage. In Spring when new growth appears at ground level cut off previous years growth. The only exception to this is if you are growing a hedge of fuchsia plants.

Pot plants to be overwintered in either greenhouse with heat or frost free place with no extra heat:
In the Autumn remove all old flowers and foliage, cut back to within 4"/6" above soil level. Remove at least 1" of topsoil. Give plant and pot a thorough clean, spray with insecticide and fungicide, treat with Bravado against vine-weevil {{gwi:2110250}}
Autumn Pruned Garden Plant


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