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What are some books for identifying butterflies and caterpillars?

11 years ago

The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Butterflies
by Robert Michael Pyle

The Butterflies of Cascadia
by Robert Michael Pyle

Butterflies of Houston and Southeast Texas
by John and Gloria Tvetan

The Butterflies of West Virginia and Their Caterpillars
by Thomas J. Allen

Butterflies through Binoculars - The East
by Jeffrey Glassberg

Butterflies through Binoculars - The West
by Jeffrey Glassberg

Butterflies through Binoculars
A field, finding, and gardening guide to butterflies in Florida
by Jeffrey Glassberg, Marc C. Minno, John V. Calhoun

Butterfly Gardening for the South
by Getata Ajilvsgi

A Field Guide to Caterpillars
(Butterflies Through Binoculars Series)
by Thomas J. Allen, James P. Brock, and Jeffrey Glassberg

Florida Butterfly Gardening
by Minno and Minno

Kaufman Focus Guides: Butterflies of North America
by Jim P. Brock, Kenn Kaufman

Peterson Field Guides - Western Butterflies
by J. W. Tilden and Arthur C. Smith

Peterson Field Guides - Eastern Butterflies
by Paul A. Opler and Vichai Malikul

Peterson First Guides - Caterpillars
by Amy Bartlett Wright

Peterson First Guides - Butterflies and Moths
by Paul Opler

{{gwi:2110223}}Image by: Stuart_S
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