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How much decorating do you do?

17 years ago

CHRISTMAS decorating, that is! There, I've said it! We put up a tree (I gave in & got a fake one last year after I vowed never to do so), the front bay window has a boy & girl caroler that turn left & right as well as wave their arms. There are lights strung along the gutter (first floor only) and around other windows. An illuminated Santa is by the door. The upstairs windows each have a single candle style light. I will put up the Nativity set on the lawn this weekend - hope it ins't snowing whie I'm working on it.

Two of my neighbors have inflatable Santas, Snowmen, etc. I can't get into them, especially since I don't like seeing them slumped on the lawn when the blower isn't running.

What do you do?

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