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I Am Back Home and What's for Supper?

I am back home from visiting Mother in the nursing home. She was looking as well as could be expected I guess. After our visit we ate at Jim Dandy. I so love their iced tea and guess what you can buy a box of it! I bought a box of 100 bags for $5.99. It is called Irani tea. I haven't found it around here in the stores as I have been looking for months. It made my day to be able to get some.

After we took Terri home we picked up our two dogs and went back into town to visit a bit with Cheryl's in laws who were at their house they have up for sale. I finally made it home and am trying to rest a bit. I will probably be puppy sitting for KC later. I have no plans for supper as hubby won't be eating at home. Do you have plans for your meal?


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