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Did any one watch Toddlers & Tiaras.....

14 years ago

last night? First of all, I think these "kiddie beauty contests" are beyond ridiculous. There was one "mother" (and I use that term loosely, for this woman) has fraternal twin daughters, she enters into these contests and brags that one is prettier than the other and is more outgoing and has more personality than her sister, right in front of the girls. I just wanted to slap this woman. At least her husband had the intelligence to take the so-called better twin out of the running of the pageant, for misbehaving. I'm curious, what do other KTers think about baby pageants? Dottie

Comments (23)

  • jennmonkey
    14 years ago

    I've never seen the show, but I think they are disgusting and much more about the mom's trying to live their twisted dreams of physical beauty through their poor children than about doing anything that would benefit the child. I almost think they are a form of child abuse.

    You asked what we thought! hahahaha

  • zeetera
    14 years ago

    I fell asleep during the second show last night and wondered if the favoured twin won, but I see from your post that she didn't even compete. I felt sorry for the other twin. What surprised me was that the mother thought that she was all that but I couldn't get past her teeth.

    But entering a newborn baby is just ridiculous, and I hope that woman never has a little girl like she hopes.

    But gosh, did you see the trophies that they win??? And the cost of the dresses - $2,500. I realize that it's to each his own, but I can't help but feeling that some of the young contestants will not take defeat gracefully later in life.

  • Lily316
    14 years ago

    It IS child abuse.

  • barb_from_pa
    14 years ago

    I agree - abuse.

  • wildchild
    14 years ago

    Nope. I don't have a high tolerance for that stuff. I don't even like what I call photo-op mommies. You know that ones that only have perfectly posed pics of their kids. This is Tiffany figure skating, this is Tiffany at her ballet recital, in her new dress,in her cheerleader outfit and so on. This is Melvin at baseball, this is Melvin at karate, this is Melvin at the Science Fair. You never see the kids just being kids with dirt on their faces having fun.

    Melvin and Tiffany are made up names for this post so nobody get their panties in a twist please.

  • heather_on
    14 years ago

    I think it is purely disgusting. Why can't they just let kids be kids instead of dressing them up to be Prima Donna's. I call it child abuse too.

  • Adella Bedella
    14 years ago

    We didn't watch last night, but my 5 yo loves that show. We let her watch about two shows and decided it was giving her too many ideas. She wanted to dye her hair red and buy a pagent dress. She started getting into my makeup again. We don't want her to grow up thinking the behavior on that show is normal.

    I don't think the mothers on that show realize they are being ridiculed. These mothers are living vicariously through there kids. The mom wasn't pretty enough or something and so they are 'correcting' the problem through their kids. It's sad.

  • margad
    14 years ago

    What channel is that show on?

  • dotmom
    Original Author
    14 years ago

    Margad, it is on TLC. There was another little girl on there about 3-4 yrs old. An only child, and her mother treated her like she was some kind of royalty. This little girl will probably grow up feeling entitled. Her room looked like some kind of shrine for a baby diva. The values these kids learn from doing these pageants, especially the ones where they use hair pieces, makeup, exorbitant priced clothes fake teeth and moves more like burlesque dancers, I think screw them up, in my opinion. There are some pageants that the kids are kept natural. Maybe, these teach poise and some self esteem. I don't know, i just think kids should be left to be kids. Dottie

  • helencolby
    14 years ago

    IMHO it is nothing than a different form of child porn.

    Sick sick sick


  • curlysue
    14 years ago

    I watched last night and last season. Most of the shows end up showing us how awful the parents are.
    Last night the lady with the twins OMG if she watches this and continues to do pageants she has a problem-the difference she made in these two girls was so blatant and terrible-she ordered one new dress, but it was for her favorite, the other little girl went on stage with a dress that was torn because her mother forgot to fix it.
    Not only that but it showed the husband taking the favorite out of the contest-or so we thought-she still ending up getting second runner up-that would not be possible if she didn't complete all 3 catagories-or I wouldn't think.

  • mrsmarv
    14 years ago

    "You never see the kids just being kids with dirt on their faces having fun."

    In most cases, those kids aren't allowed to be just kids. I know one mother of a young elementary school child who's a "photo-op mom". Her daughter has been in a few print ads and commercials and I can tell you that when it comes time for school pictures, this mother goes to the school about an hour before pictures to do her daughter's hair and make-up and actually stays with her to direct the photographer on how she wants her daughter's photo staged. Good grief! Get a frickin' life....oh, I'm sorry, that is her life.

  • teresava
    14 years ago

    It's funny, because I have 4 1/2 year old DD and a 15 month old DD. No way would either of them let me fix their hair or dress them up like that, let alone put on makeup. They would probably last 3 seconds before they would take it off and run away. I have to fight to brush their hair in the morning. I can't envision airbrushing makeup and all that stuff. Plus can you imagine what those "pageant dresses" cost?

    It usually brings back bad Jon Benet Ramsey memories!

  • des_arc_ya_ya
    14 years ago

    My first thought when I saw the advertisement for it was to think, "Boy! This is just the stuff for child predators!" (UGH!)

  • hollyinontario
    14 years ago

    I never saw the show but as a twin, my comments would be unprintable.

  • mitchdesj
    14 years ago

    I saw it the other day; it's mind boggling but seems popular. The little blonde single child looked like a mini adult, it was scary.

  • pris
    14 years ago

    I didn't see the program but did see a clip on one of the entertainment news programs. Did the mother of the twins really say that her favored twin looked more like her? That woman could eat corn through a picket fence. Sorry, I didn't see the resemblance. Doesn't she realize the comments she's making about her "ugly duckling" daughter will be available for her to see for years to come? That poor little girl will grow up hating her mother if she doesn't already.

  • taigen_gw
    14 years ago

    I didn't see the show but did see the ads for it..that was more than enough for me. I just wonder if anyone else feels that the channel "TLC" is loosing it's focus. It used to be known for "the learning channel" you could go there and watch interesting programs etc. and even learn I know more and more people are referring to it as "TLC - the loosers channel". There really isn't much worthwhile on it is all about shock TV now.

  • Tally
    14 years ago

    I watched half an episode and it was just too nauseating. Switched channels.

    Who are these moms kidding (no pun intended). These kiddie pageants are for the moms with no life of their own.

    I agree - it is abuse.

  • zeetera
    14 years ago

    Oh gosh Pris, you made me laugh to tears.

  • stargazzer
    14 years ago

    I think if started at a young age it will give them the confidence that they will need in the real world. But the parents have to be very careful when placing to much emphasis on beauty and winning as in this case. I have a niece who entered her daughter at a very young age. The child had been born with a very bad defect, have forgotten what they call it, the lip was split, she had no skin on the roof of her mouth, etc.. The child grew up with confidence and not hung up on her scarred lip.

  • kacram
    14 years ago

    " That poor little girl will grow up hating her mother if she doesn't already."
    I disagree... more likely she will end up hating herself. Which is much much worse.

    I've never seen these shows, but I do have a question, and I'm not trying to be snarky, but if you find the whole thing so disgusting, why are you watching it? why give them more viewers, more exposure and keep thme on tv?

  • stargazzer
    14 years ago

    Good question.