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I'm sorry, I have an awful sense of humor...

14 years ago

At our Senior Club meeting and pot luck yesterday, a fellow told us that when he & his wife went a trip a couple weeks ago, she had an accident at an air port. Now, these are two lovely people, in their 80's and newlyweds of 1 1/2 yrs. He said they were on an up-escalator, he was one step above her, when he heard a noise and she was falling, sort of head over heels down, the up escalator. He said, have you ever tried to hurry down an up-escalator? Especially when you are 80+ yrs? Luckily there were other people who could come to her aid, because he said he would probably still be trying to go down on that damn up-escalator. The way he told us the story was so funny, he had the whole room roaring with laughter. By the way, she was OK and just a little bruised. Every time I think about his story, I keep giggling because I get such a funny mental picture. Dottie

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