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Another parenting-a-teen ? (probably gonna be long)

15 years ago

I'm looking for some thoughts from the objective folks here on my new, but normal, parenting stage.

DS will be 15 next month, sophomore in HS this fall. Good kid, good student, my adult friends like him. He is on a relatively short leash, compared to his peers. I know it, he knows it, he complains about, I don't care. The new thing is a girlfriend. She was in a couple of his classes, so they saw a bit of each other in school, talked on phone, IMed. (He doesn't have a cell phone.)

Now summer comes, it takes some planning (and parent cooperation) if they want to get together. She lives a 20 minute drive from us. I told DS first day of break twice a week is all I will allow.

DH would like to say no girls until you can drive and get a job. I think that's too short a leash, and has more to do with our comfort than DS's best interest. He just wants DS to remember who's in charge. LOL. I think it's best to "keep your son close, and his girlfriend closer." LOL. I don't drop everything and be chauffer. But I've picked her up to drop them off at the open skate at the ice rink, let him go when her mom picked up to take them places. Once/twice a week the past 3 weeks. Most weeks he meets her or goes w/her to the weekly youth social activities at her church (it's huge, many of their friends go, too). I've spoken to her mother on the phone briefly couple times, always speak to her when we pick up the other kid. So I think we're on the same page, our leashes are the same length.

DS asked today if she can come to our house tomorrow, just to hang out. (I'm here all day, don't worry.) (Frankly this shocks me, he has 3 younger siblings! How fun can this be?) So I'm thinking I'll agree, though I've told him he has to help me clean and have some plans for how he is going to entertain her while she's here.

I would think nothing of it if he asked for a guy friend to hang out here. I would not ask what they will do, I would just say "sure." Am I thinking too much about this? Or does girlfriend coming over have a different set of standards, like my instinct tells me?

I sort of want to just say "STOOOP! You can't have a girlfriend, I'm not ready for it, so neither are you." But I think this requires more delicacy than that. The open-minded, involved parent in me says this is good, bring her over, I'll get to know her. And it's good that he wants her right here in the middle of his family.

I'm sorry if I sound like a protective, obsessed parent; if I'm trying too hard.

What do you think of what I'm telling you? Of how I'm handling this? Experience you want to share? Wisdom I might need?

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