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How Is Your Day So Far?

I did not go to church. I went back to bed and rested for a couple of hours. I took Izzi for a short walk. We checked out the two whiskey barrels of flowers we planted yesterday. I made a big "Hot Chicken Salad" and have it in the refrigerator ready to bake this evening. I also made a strawberry trifle for supper. I mixed up a fruit salad for lunch of nectarines, bananas and bing cherries. I enjoyed that. I emptied the dishwasher and have another load going. I chopped up some nice red stalks of rhubarb and got 3 quarts put into the freezer. Amber and Mike will probably eat supper with us this evening. He is going to set in the air conditioner in the club house for me. So are the rest of you enjoying your day? I am.


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