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So Many Choices - Door Panels, Frames, Inset or Overlay ???

I had no idea!

I had no idea of such choices!

My mind is spinning (but that's not too hard for me).

I am beginning a "medium level" kitchen remodel, and will not be able to do without help from you. I've already asked a couple of questions, and have been online reading so many posts that now I need a new eyeglass perscription.

I have a custom cabinet maker who is making my cabinets. I visited his workshop recently to look at the choices.

I never imagined there were such choices in a cabinet door ---- frames, panels, inset, overlay, etc. --- and also in the cabinets themselves --- framed, unframed, etc. And to find just the "right" combination is making my head swim!

After reading several posts on these things, I've come to realize that certain combinations of doors and cabinets "say" a certain thing, and have a certain "look" style wise, that can be generalized under terms such as "traditional", "modern", etc. (Even the colors make such difference.... "what makes white right" was particularly helpful).

I like a very "traditional" look, in that I like lots of architecture and use of wood - molding, etc.

I have in my mind to select raised panels (Mr Cabinetmaker called it "r m raise" - whatever that is!), and a beaded frame.

But now I am puzzled by deciding how the doors should fit onto the cabinets... inset?? partial overlay?? full overlay?? I don't know .... I don't want to pick the "wrong" thing for the door style I like, but w/o pictures comparing the doors I think I like (I can still change) with those 3 different ways of attaching the doors onto the cupboards, I can't tell if I'm making a right or wrong choice.

(I actually still can't even decide if I want white/glazed cabinets or an antique cherry stain - I know I like both, so am not stressed over this one).

Lest I am confusing you, here is my basic question: of those 3 choices of ways of attaching doors to a cabinet - inset, partial overlay and full overlay - which "goes" best with what kind of door style? Which says "classic, traditional" more than the others? Should I be paying more attention to the door frame and inner panel itself more than the way it fits on the cupboard?


Whew! And Thank You!

Miss Mary

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