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My fantasy Waterstone - amazingly functional? Or just butt-ugly?

12 years ago

I'm one of those people who usually can't be dissuaded from first opinions, and I loved this Waterstone kitchen faucet out of the gate. The dh said it looked like it needed a bunsen burner and some beakers to go with. My sister said she thought it was just plain ugly.

I think the problem is, I really don't need a new faucet. We have decided to keep our lowers because we couldn't find a granite we liked better than what we have. And I love my Kohler cast iron sink. So maybe I'm suffering guilt, not doubt. :-) Anyway, would love to hear thoughts on design and functionality of this faucet. If I buy the suite and add my dream prep sink and hot water dispenser, I'm looking at a minimum of $5K of faucet configuration.

Here is a link that might be useful: Waterstone Towson Suite

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