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Placed Granite Order Today, Now I've Changed my Mind-please help

14 years ago

I went today to a local granite yard and put down a 50% deposit on Kashmir White.

I had asked him to match the very competitive bid I received from another place, which he did.

So I plunked down my mastercard and paid almost $2K deposit. I admit I felt a bit pressured, perhaps since he came down so far on the quote.

Then I get his sample home and it's horrible.

Soaking up oil & tomato sauce like a sponge.

I am aware that this sample is unsealed, but still. I'm very upset, as this is most unacceptable and I'm afraid that even sealing it won't make it impervious to staining.

Obviously, no templating or anything has been done yet, but I'm afraid I'm stuck.

There are not any other granites of his that I like w/o spending an additional $1K, so I don't anticipate that a 'trade' will work.

Has anyone successfully gotten their deposit back after placing an initial order? I'm worried that I'm going to be stuck with this granite, or be forced to pick something else out that I don't like. ::sob::

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