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Anyone familiar with Shiloh +/or Decora cabinetry?

16 years ago

The KD I'm working with initially suggested both these companies as options but has been trying to encourage me to select Shiloh. She says the pricing is more reasonable and likes their product better.

My issues with their line are that the slab door design doesn't seem to be a true full overlay like Decora's and Decora has a stain I like better than any of Shiloh's.

She says the full overlay issue can be corrected by adjusting the placement of the cabinet doors so there's less space between them and the drawer fronts.

Now, to complicate matters more, a friend's KD told her that they don't like Decora because there are quality control problems and every order he placed had problems such as a wrong colored cabinet in the shipment or the mitered corners of the cabinets were not even with each other, to name only a couple.

Feedback on the two lines would be most appreciated!

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