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Surprise dining room decor done by my three dogs

My3dogs ME zone 5A
15 years ago

This is not my usual type of decor, but it's what I found in my dining room yesterday AM. I had found an old parka in the back of the closet and removed the hood before washing it. The hood had fur trim on it, and I hung it on a chair at the kitchen island...The dogs 'killed' it while I was out shoveling 2 feet of snow from yesterday's storm. I'm sure they did it so it wouldn't attack me when I came back inside.

It was eerily similar to what happened to another jacket at a friend's house many years ago.

She had asked me to come down to help her with decorating ideas...She had two truly loving and friendly dobermans - Tillie and Petey. She let them out when we got there and I set my fur trimmed jacket down. The dogs came came back in, as my friend and I were walking through the house. We circled back to the kitchen, and I screamed, 'OMG! The dogs must have brought in a squirrel and killed it in here!'

We're gagging and looking for squirrel 'parts', and suddenly she says, 'OMG...' and she is holding what's left of THAT fur trimmed jacket hood. I should have learned back then, I guess.

She was almost in tears because she felt so bad, but dog lover that I am, I was in tears due to laughing so hard!

NOTE - I have not bought ANY items trimmed with real fur for many years...

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