Hello Everyone. I am New as member to this site. Long time lurker. ;) I am in the middle the the end of House renovation. So I have 1/2 my common sense left. Full Kitchen/Dining Room Re-Mod and Basement. ** first I want to thank all of you for your questions,opinions and photo's in this forum. As I have been a Lurker, All have been extremely helpful in many ways. Thank You, thank you.
I am going to attempt to attach photos :)
I need help in choosing Paint colors for my Basement and new Bathroom within my basement. I am trying to create a Hacienda style.
The furniture that will be in the basement
Couch: Red heavy canvas material - boxy squishy, casual
Chair in 1/2 and ottoman: same Red -All are Lazy Boy suite
Side tables and coffee table: Pier One - Rattan and Aged Bronze Metal " wooden bead" motif within the Metal Legs
Side Chairs: Casama Chair from Arhaus - I have two
The chairs are Unique and No two are alike. This photo is from Arhaus. Mine are in the colors in range of deep and bright orange, teal, red, yellow and deep purple.
My floor to be installed next week is Armstrong VCT Tile the upgrade version. Unfortunately due to the original floor which is 1925 cement - I have few options for new flooring. I did not opt for carpet. No No.
Color: Cinnamon Brown
I wish the photo was better.
It is a mix of terra brown with a tinge of burnt orange, has swab hints of a deep saffron and flecks of dark coffee.
The Art Pieces I have I have had for over 25 yrs. Art from Acapulco. Signed and Authentic by Local Artists.
This piece my Daughter painted when she was 11.
The Natural Light comes from small glass block windows - garden level. They are however with deep boxes - a foot or more deep. Can utilize the depth to put colored glass vases etc... useful for decor.
This space will be the only space within my house that will be the Entertainment area. Will be installing a flat screen TV.
I did find on the Pittsburgh paint site a New line of colors called " Hacienda" and I have called my local Pittsburgh Paint ... and went there as well. They have not yet received any paint formulas nor paint samples. arrrgh.
I am at a standstill with the paint. I do not want beige, off beige, or tan. Or tannish. I want Tru Hue Color.
Pics of the bathroom that is adjacent to the Entertainment area via a hallway
floor of shower
My Kitty was helping. The grout is a dirty grout. Not white. the tile in the photo has not been washed yet.
2 pics of the tile within the shower - not yet finished.
The floor tile is called Cappuccino
This is the tile within the shower wall, it is set above Mid way. It is the same tile of the floor and shower floor. Hard to tell with this photo.
This is the photo that I have that can best show the vanity I chose. It is just as this one. On shaker legs.
However the Cabinet face is Mission
The Actual Cab Wood/Counter that are to be Installed
All fixtures and hardware for shower/sink are Aged distressed Bronze
The basement has many doors and all have Aged blackened bronzed door handles and or door knobs.
So as it sits waiting for Paint ...which I opted to Paint myself. The quotes I received to have it painted were off the chart ..no way. Labor only. I almost died. The ceiling is drop so its ceiling tile. Its a textured white. It has a nubby appearance. So that leaves Walls, trim and Doors.
I am a color addict. I think there is a gal here I have found ..Aunt Jen??? I love her Colors! She needs a Color blog all on her own. She Rocks!
My fave colors are saffron, burnt orange on the tobacco side, rich golds that do not look muddy, even looking towards the deep Berrie shades with a tink rusty orange brown. I love Turquoise and have found it to be a wonderful accent. I enjoy the lime sort of greens but not looking to create a POP color Room But more so of a aged Hacienda room.
pics of textiles within my home that I love
My eldest pet child who just turned 10 yrs old.
I hate perfect. I cannot withstand interior design that is to represent perfect. I am scared to death to attempt to do a color wash, rag paint, on the brand new dry wall - yet would love the effect. I just bought practice boards ...so I can attempt my artful effects unto them first.
I have paint/Ragged before within a past home and loved it.
Yet was a very small bathroom and was rented. Even though it was beautiful. I know that I can do it. Its just to get over the fear of ruining all brand new primed Drywall.
Anyone who can offer any Idea's for Paint - Shoot them at me. I have been looking at the Devine paint - the nearest local dealer is 50 miles away. I love the colors on-line. But No again. The price is way too much as well - for a gallon of paint. I have about 900 sq feet walls with trim to cover alone in the basement/bath.
My house was built in 1925, has lots of character and that I want to continue with ... no desire of creating modern, new, pop, formal, conservative ... Want to express Myself and my love of color. Its just putting all the pieces together to make it work ;)
Color is essential - thanks for all that read my post
Any ideas, comments, anything at all - Please reply
I am adding a link to a Woman that I find AWE in her Design within Home - her name is Ms Stephani
she has her own blog http://www.hotdecorandmore.com/
And offers an Esty site to boot.
I have never met her yet have connected via email - she is Living doll.
Hugs to All
carmin_casaOriginal Author
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