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Doorbell dilemma

12 years ago

I wanted something unusual for a front entry, but not fussy. Our house is in a fairly rural CT suburb, and the core of it is an old farmhouse.

We ended up putting in a barn door. I'm very happy with it, although some people do not know how to open it, and the UPS guy is fond of just sliding the whole thing to one side and tossing a package in.

One thing I'd forgotten about with this arrangement is a doorbell! We do not have a heavy need for a doorbell, but we do need something. Our house is gated (the property is entirely deer fenced) and on a quiet road, so we get zero foot traffic. But when we have a party, we leave the gates open. When guests arrive, they need a doorbell.

I do NOT want an electric one. I found great ones on ebay that turn with a key and make a great sound. Want one? We can't use it. Because, duh, the doors slide.

DH found an old school bell (small) but we cannot figure out where to mount it. Even so, would you feel comfortable ringing a bell, like you are calling cowhands, when you come to someone's home? I think people won't want to do that.

A knocker, I don't think we would hear? Ideas? Below is a shot with the doors closed, and open. I don't want to put the doorbell inside because I think people will be reluctant to open the barn doors. I might put a SECOND one inside...

Thanks in advance...

Doors closed


Doors open


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