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Can't figure out a good floor color - need help.

14 years ago

SO, everyone here and at the stores is saying hardwood, hardwood. I finally got some samples and am stumped. I can't seem to find the right color, or maybe the wood is off?

Anyhow, our entry is tile with a pink tone, our kitchen is tile with a pink tone, the bathroom is a tile with a pink tone....(not my choices) Most of the walls are EK Sage, a neutrally green tone. What would you suggest for this. Several people have told me dark floors are a real pain, so I am thinking a medium, light tone?

Here are some pics.

Entry tile (sorry no pics of the Sage with it) But you see the tile....


Back living room looking on to pinkish kitchen tile - This is the Sage


Here is a closeup of the tile -


Thank you, thank you

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