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Blotchy/Streaky Stain on Pine

9 years ago


I'm completely new to refinishing and the boards in general so any help would be greatly appreciated.

I recently purchased a pine table that was covered in black paint and decided to take it on as a first refinishing project. I stripped the paint off, sanded the entire table down with 120, then 220 (both sanding with the grain). Then cleaned off with mineral spirits and let the piece dry for a couple days. When it came time to stain, there were no apparent problems, but as the table sat the table top began to show black streaks and blotches across multiple boards. I tried reapplying the stain to reactivate it and lighten it up (hoping to remove or lessen the black spots). But, it didn't work and I ultimately sanded it all down.

Even after sanding the piece though there are still multiple black streaks/blotches/specs in the wood. See the attached picture. What is the best way to remove this? Oxalic acid? Wood bleach? Some other method? Or am I stuck with this being a permanent irregularity in the wood.

Again, any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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