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fbo tos - why exs' don't remain friends

15 years ago

I thought that I would start another thread based on NORCALGIRL'S Social Networking post of 6/24.

There seems to be a consensus that it's a bad idea for the current man's wife/gf to be friends with the EX. I hate to beat a dead horse, but TOS doesn't seem to get what we are talking about and I am putting this up, not as a rude gesture to TOS, but as a way that we may or may not want to explain to her how it works from our points of view.

TOS's most recent post in that thread was this: "Once a man remarries, is he less willing to to do favors for his neighbors, his parents, his cousins, or his co-workers, because "when he gets a new GF or wife, he is now focused on HER needs and is less likely to want to spend his time doing things" for other people? Or is it just his ex-wife that he is less willing to do favors for?"

This is how I see it. Two people meet, fall in love, decided to get married and become a family of two or more. They have formed a union and vow to pledge an allegiance to one another and to put their union first. That's it in a nutshell.

When something goes wrong and the union falls apart, the marriage ends in a divorce, it's over. Lick your wounds and move on. The marital relationship and allegiance are terminated. If there are kids involved, both parents need to be mature, put aside their differences in front of the child and rise to the occasion to co-parent. At this point the child's best interest s/be their only common goal.

So, in our discussion the man becomes remarried. HIS NEW MARRIAGE/FAMILY ARE NOW HIS PRIORITY. His family includes his new wife, and any kids they have together or from previous marriage(s). The EX is not part of this family unit. She is part of the child's family for whom she is the mother, but not the child's father's. The child ends up with two families even if neither parent ever remarries. Does this make sense?

If there's an emergency and the EX calls our house for help because she has no one else, I wouldn't object. When it comes to borrowing MY vehicle to p/u her carpet - I don't think so. I'm not her friend. I will be cordial whenever we are at functions for their kids. My FI has an obligation to put our needs first. Additionally he has an obligation to maintain a good relationship w/his kids. He moved on and so should his EX.

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