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Coat closet - walled and mudded...

10 years ago

It's a total chaotic mess in my house, but some progress has been made this week.

The coat closet - walled and mudded and the craftsman door is on order.

9' doorway - soffit added, right side reduced 30 inches

Now my off-center window is next on the list to be replaced. Thanks to my closet dimensions it is now centered between the two imaginary wall cabinets and over the also-imaginary window seat.

The two windows and new front door should be in this week. Then I'll really be pleading for help with the wall cabinets.

Such as: Should the cabinets to all the way to the (only 8') ceiling or not.

Should I run crown molding at the ceiling above the window or add a row of cabinet shelves above the window?

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