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Critique this space / choose area rug color (lots of photos)

13 years ago

I need to choose the area rug color for this room. I have an awful time with color and accessorizing. My taste leans toward modern (arts and crafts + midcentury) uncluttered and simple.

The sofa is newer and I will be getting the midcentury armchair reupholstered. I'd love opinions RE the area rug in this room (which will be a solid frieze, cut and bound by the factory). Will be large -- about 12 ft x 10.25 ft. In the photos below, it will go all the way to the back legs of the couch, and the orange side table will rest entirely on it. Question is the color -- a light neutral, "Sailboat" which is most like the background of the new chair fabric (shown, by Kravet), or bring in more color with "Tidal Foam" which is blue-ish with some brown, which brings out the color in the fabric.

You can see my main and favorite accent color is orange, and there is some turquoise/blue in the room. The sofa is Gus Modern in a medium gray fabric, the coffee table Gus Modern with a glossy white finish (both with stainless legs which mixes my metals with the ORB in the rest of the room), main walls are SW Netsuke, accent wall behind sofa is SW Hopsack.

In addition to the area rug color, I'm also interested in hearing any other suggestions for the space. The floor plan is very open. The windows are replacements - large casement style, and I'm not a fan of curtains. The painting above the FP is a lone remaining shabby chic/victorian holdover from previous tastes, but I'm still fond of it and it's just large enough to cover up a big carved out area meant to hold a big vase or something.

Pls ignore the carpet sample board in the background of the 4th pic.

cheers and thanks in advance,











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