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Medical Alert/Alarm

19 years ago

Which Alert System do you use, and why do you like it over the others?

My 92 y.o. grandmother has come to live with us, and while she is quite mobile (actually, that's the problem...) she has gotten a bit unsteady on her feet and has fallen twice this week. She has a walker that we keep by her bed, but doesn't think (or want) to use it when she gets up at night.

Her living quarters are downstairs, and at night when we're sleeping we can't hear her if she calls us. She is a very private person and has rejected any thoughts of a nursery monitior or open intercom system since she has the television on most of the night.

She has said she wouldn't use an alert system that requires a "service" come to the house if she pushes the button  she said she'd rather "lie on the floor for hours - someone would eventually find me in the morning." Aughhhhhhhh!!!

The ideal system would be one that would allow her to press a button on a wristband and a fairly loud alarm would sound in the upstairs bedroom and the kitchen.

Another thought would be one that directly dials our main house number (she has her own phone line) to get our attention.

I would appreciate any suggestions...When I dropped in to check on her the other night (around 3am) she had fallen and was down for "about 2 hours". Poor dear (very stubborn) Gram.



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