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Moral support! Downsizing/moving

13 years ago

Help! My husband is retiring in July. We live in a house supplied with his job. Therefore we have to move at that time. We are in a very large 4 bedroom, complete full finished basement with lots of "stuff" in all rooms. We had lots of room when we moved here-but I�ve filled it up!! We are moving to a Continuing Care Retirement Community to our own single home that most likely will have 2 bedrooms, garage, combo living/dining & Sunroom (3 season).

Help! Now, how am I going to get rid of all this stuff? I do not exactly qualify as a "Hoarder," but I am a sentimentalist "saver." I have almost every letter/card from family & best friends (back in the day when letters was it.), lots of old pictures, lots of keepsakes. Our kids are 30�s and still live in small apartments and we have a lot of their belongings. I have kept much of their childhood toys, school papers, books, etc. I am the family historian (genealogy) and of course have lots of files, books etc. It goes on and on. My house is tidy but the closets, drawers, bookshelves, boxes, boxes, boxes are bulging.

Help!! Physically getting rid of it is one thing but emotionally� I�ll feel like my life has ended. I have kept things so that I could enjoy looking at them later in life.. Well, I think I�m at that point. What now?

Anyone have experience with this???

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