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Canned Tuna- mercury, additives, omega-3 and labels

14 years ago

Speaking of tuna salad- today's Phila. Inquirer had an interesting article on buying canned tuna. the author, a chef recommended 4 brands based on taste, high in omega 3 oils, without additives, and caught in American or Asian water where fishing methods yield a catch lower in mercury.

Her recommendations: American Tuna Pole Caught Wild Albacore (most expensive, 83 cents an ounce); Crown Prince Natural Solid White Albacore; Trader Joe's Tongol chunk light; and Whole Foods 365 Brand Chunk Light Tongol.

What to look for---

1. No additives - avoid tuna that's packed with soy or vegetable broth with soy and sodium pyrophosphate. These two ingredients make the fish more spongy so that it holds more liquid. Result- less meat per weight.

2. Cooked only once---large processors cook the tuna twice which reduces the healthy omega-3 oils, flavor and texture.

3. Low mercury--- The FDA recommends we eat up to 12 ounces of low mercury fish and shellfish and canned light tuna each week but only 6 ounces of albacore which has higher mercury levels.

4. High omega-3 oils---line caught albacore from the North Pacific has 10 times as much omega 3 oils as other tunas.

5. Line-caught, American--- only about 1/3 of albacore comes from America, but these tend to have lower mercury levels.

6. Species of tuna-- which species have higher or lower levels of tuna

7. Labels -- most cans don't include country or origin, mercury level or omega-3 content. There is a web link: for a study on family safe tuna.

Here is a link that might be useful: canned tuna

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