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Kitchen remodel ideas please! Range/Built-ins? Wall angles?

13 years ago

Hello all. First time poster here...Just recently purchased a house through my city's First Time Home Buyer program, and the kitchen is #1 on the to-do list. I plan on getting new cabinets and countertops all around, but just extending the "L" shape on both sides. Where the eat in kitchen is, I plan to have either a breakfast bar (extra deep/wide countertop on L shape), or a raised 2-tier breakfast bar. However, I am having trouble in the back corner of the kitchen. My current house's kitchen is in the following pics:

As you can see, there are some angular challenges. If I keep the built-ins, I'll be spending more on new appliances vs. getting a Range, and will need the new countertops fabricated to fit a new cooktop cutout. Likewise, you can see that the cooktop/counter extends a few inches past the current angular wall, which is strange. I thought about using a mod. that another homeowner did with the same layout here: BUT do not like the built-in idea($$) and don't like the angular countertop cutouts where they extended if leftward:

I'm thinking I may be able to make the mod above^^ but avoiding the angular countertop cut and just extending the standard depth countertop leftward....while adding in a Range where the cooktop is. However, I think keeping the angular wall above (to the left of the upper cabinets) would clash with the a countertop that does not maintain/mimic those angles. I may also end up having the wall stick out a few extra inches, as there is a hallway cut out just to the left of the wall oven. Short of leveling out the whole wall-oven section to the hallway, does anyone have any ideas? Its very tough to explain without seeing it in person. Thanks!

However, another house on this street with the same layout is also for sale. They made the following modification below The thing I don't like is the goofy dimensions/cut out of their countertops.

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