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RECIPE: Couscous Medely

17 years ago

I was looking for a side dish today and came up with a winner! You know, the "mother of invention" necessity kind or recipe??

I used C&W brand's Ultimate Southwest Blend vegetables mixed into a box of unflavored couscous made with chicken stock instead of water. Wow!

The frozen vegetable blend is:

The Ultimate Southwest Blend®

A Color and Flavor Fiesta

The sweetest golden corn, mild Poblano chilies, mellow roasted red peppers and savory roasted onions are artfully blended with hearty black beans. Delicate seasonings bring out the flavorful best in each premium quality vegetable.

My family loved it and I did too! And it was so easy! I just threw it all into the pot after the stock was boiling and gave it a good stir. Then dropped the heat to a simmer and let it sit for about 25 minutes and it was done and ready to serve!

My next shot at this combo is to make the couscous or some brown rice and let it chill, then add the vegetable blend and mix it with some oil and vinegar and make a cold salad out of it. With some fresh seared tuna it would be excellent!!!

What a simple and wonderful treat this side dish was!!

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