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LOOKING for: Home made version of Sara Lee vegetable lasagna

I was in love with the Sara Lee vegetable lasagna I used to buy at their outlet stores (which sadly are no more). Sara Lee has been split up, and I think will be making only desserts from now on; at least so I inferred from their website.

The lasagna was mostly spinach, but some other vegetables too. All cut small, you could see a bit of carrot and maybe some yellow squash. I never analyzed it, now I wish I had. It also used a creamy sauce (probably a cheesy white sauce) in between the layers, rather than a tomato sauce. The creamy sauce went so much better with the flavor of the spinach than tomato sauce does. Topping it all was a combination of yellow and white cheeses.

I have tried other vegetable lasagnas, and there is no comparison. Everything I can find is tomato based, and the spinach is overwhelmed. (Trader Joes, and all the normal frozen brands)

I would love to find a version of this to make. Thanks so much for your help.

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