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A new picture and quote?

Javachik started a wonderful thread on the conversation side about favorite sayings which led to daisychain01 pointing out we need a new quote/saying for That Home Site. The FLW quote (and the clip art of the vase) have been up for years!

Aren't you tired of these too? lol!

Move the table. - Frank Lloyd Wright

(In response to a client complaining of rain leaking onto the dining table.

and this pic

I emailed gw and they are happy to change the quote and the picture

I submitted two quotes, one from palimpsest and one from magnaverde. (hope you two don't mind - if you do, tell me!)

"Two is not a collection. Two dozen is. If it is a collection of ugly things, you'd better have a lot of them. I'm serious, bad things become good in large quantities."


Decorate for the way you really live, not the way you wish you lived.


Anybody else have a quote and/or pic they would like to submit? If you do, just follow up in this thread and I'll send gw the link once members stop adding new quotes and pics.

Here is my pic submission

Here is a link that might be useful: Favorite sayings thread

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