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Sewing machine maintenance question

13 years ago

I think I'm in over my head on this one! Does anyone know how to get the side panel off of an Elna? This is the right side, where the big knob is located.

I was having trouble with the bobbin winder sticking and decided it was something I could fix. Plus, the bobbin winding belt has been squealing a little and it seemed like a good time to see if I could replace that myself too. So I started loosening screws and SUDDENLY, without any warning, the little bobbin winding tab FELL INTO THE BODY OF THE MACHINE! My first thought was "This can't be good." (Actually, that was my second thought but I can't print the first one here.) I can't start up the machine for fear the part is in a spot where it will do serious damage. The local maint place says they are behind and if I bring it in, they can't get it back to me for "2-3 weeks", which I interpret to mean 4-6 weeks. I've ordered a service manual from a person on eBay but won't have that for about a week. I have a Round Robin to work on and 3 projects waiting for some attention; I'm already going into withdrawal. I know I could fix this if I could just get the ******* side panel off. But now I'm a little apprehensive about loosening any other screws. Any ideas?


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