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Kitchen design/garden design question

12 years ago

I'm just curious (and it's a slow Friday afternoon LOL) as to whether there is a similarity in how we design our kitchens and our gardens? Especially the more 'utilitarian' vegetable garden.

My question is...do you like to see the vegetable garden, or keep it separated...even screened off, from the rest of the yard? Do you like to have seating that overlooks the garden...or do you like to have seating, right in the middle of everything? A handy place to take a break, while you garden?

I have always wanted to sit "IN" my gardens, for as long as I can remember. My favorite spaces have seating, in the middle or at one end of the vegetable garden...either under a pergola, or maybe a shady place, with an umbrella over the table.

And...I've always wanted a table in the kitchen...and a little seating area, for a couple of chairs and maybe an ottoman. I like to be 'in the middle of the action' and have people in the kitchen. I guess the same thing is true, in the garden. I guess that's why I've always liked kitchen gardens :)

Now, it's your turn...do you have a garden? Do you like it or want to add something to it? Do you like seating in the garden, or prefer a separate space? What about your kitchen? Do you have seating in the kitchen, itself...nearby...or is it a totally separate space, for work only?

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