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Live from North Dakota; It's Purple Martin time!

13 years ago

Drum roll; please.

It's Pur-ple Mar-tin Time!

It's Pur-ple Ma-rtin Time!

It's Pur-ple Mar-tin Time in North Da-ko-ta.

Noon, April 25, Larimore, ND. Sunny; 71 degrees both inside and outside the house!

Two ASY* males and one ASY female came zooming in, buzzed Wes' head, (he was about 12-ft. from the pole and working bumpers with Harry) and went straight into Gourds 2, 4, and 8.

Oh yeah, baby; they've been here before.

They're chattering, and zooming around, and feeding, and preening, and playing musical gourds.

I rushed out to lower the rack and take the duct tape off the entry holes. They were in the gourds before I had the rack rasied again.


*ASY "After Second Year" refers to Purple Martins that are fully grown and in the dark, adult plumage. The first year, HY, is when they hatch and migrate to Brazil for the first time late in the Hatching Year summer.

SY (Second Year) birds migrate back to the US the next spring. They're in a mottled color phase. Some of them will breed; most won't. Then they migrate to Brazil for the second time and molt into their dark adult plumage and are called ASY.

Once they're in ASY color phase you can't tell if they're 3 years old, or 12.

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