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Feral kitties

I have had many different pets all my life and am a true animal and nature nut but I have never had a litter of feral kittens. Was surprised today when one of the momma dogs was cry-howling at something up on the side garage roof. Thinking it odd that one of the squirrels or maggies would atract such a worrysome cry from this girl I went out to investigate. I found two little feral kittens who had obviously been born in the garage attic. One solid black and one a perfect rag doll siamese with white mitties. There is no way I can get close to them and they just went back into the attic. Interesting place to put a live trap........hmmmmmm? I put food and water out for them where the mom at least can get it, if she is still around that is. They look to be about 5-6 weeks old and healthy. I haven't had a lot of cats in my life as I am alergic but knowing me, I would probably want to keep them. Any chance they could be tamed? I sure don't want to leave them out there all winter even though our garage is heated and will try to get a trap to set up through the attic door. Now I am just worried about the little babies. The coldest night of the summer/fall tonight. Such a worry wart! What to do?


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