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do you observe your pet's behavior around other people?

15 years ago

I've heard it said before that animals can tell good people from bad people. I don't know how true that is... maybe people are romanticizing their animal companions a bit. Maybe not. Just wondering what you all think of that? Has your cat or dog ever given you insight about a neighbor or friend?

My cat Jasper has met a few of the guys that I have dated. Sometimes he doesn't spend much time around them. Other times he can't seem to leave them alone. I reconnected with a guy that I dated back in high school (well, he reconnected with me, but that's a whole different story) and he came over last night. Jasper actually fell asleep on the guy's chest and seemed pretty content. I told the guy I could remove Jasper if it was annoying, but he declined. I couldn't tell if he was just being polite or if he really wanted Jasper there (he does have is own cat too). The guy told me how sweet, beautiful, and amazing Jasper was. I thought me might be just trying to get brownie points... When he said the same thing applied to me, I realized he had cataracts!

Anyway, do you pay special attention to your pets when strangers enter your home? I don't think I would care enough about my cat's behavior toward someone to let that be the only factor in deciding if I want to keep them around or not, but it is interesting to watch. I guess your belief in this will depend on if you feel that animals are sentient beings with souls, or just mindless instinctual robots. So... how do you feel?

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