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Grandson has severe acid reflux (sort of long)

16 years ago

After I read through and joined the Power Circle, I thought that I might feel better if I mentioned our family "problem". I am wondering if anyone here has coped with this in a child or grandchild.

Our dear and only grandbaby, 4 1/2 mos. old, has gastro-esophageal reflux disease ( GERD ). He's had it since about 2-3 weeks of age. He and his parents are experiencing a nightmare. He spits up, throws up, and gags after almost every time he eats (he is breastfed only). He cries a lot, from discomfort and exhaustion. He doesn't sleep very much and rarely more than 2 hours at a time, and usually less. He wants to eat all the time, either with my DIL, or my DS with a bottle. Neither he nor his mother have had a deep sleep into good REM since his birth. They are both exhausted. He won't take a pacifier and has trouble with the nipples on bottles. He is gaining weight very slowly. They have taken him to an occupational therapist for help in assisting the muscles in his tongue and mouth to work properly.

When he's not crying from the reflux, he is a happy little guy. He "talks" and coos and laughs, loves his bath, loves to play (he's discovered his hands and the magic of reaching out) and likes to be out and about, on errands and in their parent-new baby group. But - when eating and its aftermath, and sleeping are involved, the situation is very difficult. There have not been two consecutive hours of peace in their home, when DS and DIL could just sit together wide-awake, since his arrival. I feel so awful for all three of them.

They have tried everything, as far as I can tell. Zantac didn't work, neither did "gripe water". They're looking for a new pediatrician, as the current one just says that it will probably pass after the first year and is my DIL sure that she's not just depressed. They have tried every tip from the nurses at the baby clinic. Every kind of bottle, pacifier, sleeping arrangement, carrier, rice cereal (that came right back up). They keep him upright (reflux babies are supposed to be held until they're old enough to be propped up once their heads are strong enough).

We live 700 miles away and I don't (can't) fly. So we've visited them (stayed in a motel, not, God forbid, with them) just once. I'm planning to return soon. My DIL's mother has been out three times for a few weeks each time, to help with housework and cooking. DIL and her mother are very close. So are she and I - I love her like a daughter - but I'm not her mother, and I remember how I was with my babies. Only my mother would really do.

We never thought we'd be grandparents, and neither did our in-laws. Elder DS and his wife won't be having children, which is their decision and fine. Younger DS and DIL were married for 8 years and had given up hope, when this pregnancy came as a fantastic surprise. My ex (DS's dad) and I have offered to pay the wages of anyone who can come in to help. So far they have not found someone just right.

So sorry for the length of this. I have just been wondering if anyone else has been through this, and if so, how did everyone manage? I've been to online support groups, but my DIL doesn't have the time to get near the computer and wouldn't feel comfortable telling her story anyway.

We could use a few good wishes and some encouragement - and thanks for reading this!


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