Can you tea dye a rug?
15 years ago
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- 15 years ago
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damaged hair needs extreme dye-job... help!!!
Comments (9)Sorry to read about your hair problems. I am not a hairdresser by any means - hair challenged if anything. But I owe the state of my hair at almost 56 to not over-processing during the years. I greyed in my 20's (iron grey unfortunately - natural shade being auburn). I single processed it over the years to its natural auburn. Note that I have dry, coarse, naturally wavy, extremely thick "Irish" hair. I did not do highlights - actually hair is porous as it is due to coarseness so I appear to have highlights. What is your natural colour - can't tell from your post if it is indeed blonde. Frankly, I think at age 16 you need to give your hair serious rest. I know you won't want to hear this, but I think the best alternative is to cut your hair - as short as possible to still look feminine and to suit your face shape. The fact that your hair is thin makes over-use of the chemicals harder on your hair. I know a woman my age who also had easy access to hairdressers thoughout her life but at age 50 she was told enough was enough - perms, highlights and drastic changes in hair colour - had taken their toll and basically her hair was toast. I would hate for this to happen to you. I see 8 year old kids at the hairdressers having their hair highlighted - by my age, despite the gentler formulas available these days, hair will not be in good shape. I would start first with the haircut and then work from there. And I would steer clear of the black - if it is too start against your skin now, it will be even more so later in life - many black haired ladies go dark brunette. I too am very pale but with a serious yellow undertone. My sisters inherited the gorgeous Irish blue-black hair - how I wanted it - but during 50s and 60s they peroxided it blonde - well they ruined their hair. Actually they didn't even suit the blonde. I once tried on a black wig and laughed so hard - this is when I realized I had such a yellow undertone so had I been born with the black hair, it would not have suited me. So then I tried on a blonde wig - and I thought the black looked bad. This was during the days when everyone wanted hair like Farrah Fawcett's - but did not have the basic necessity - the proper hair type. I have the proper hair type - but don't suite the colour/styles. I really hope you can sort your hair out - it will take some time - this is for sure - but a year from now things won't seem so bad. Just too bad about your prom - so I would do whatever is necessary to start the fix-up now. When I was 5 I had a Toni permanent - my hair looked like Shirley Temple's before the perm - hairdresser should have refused to do it. Had to have it because my cousin with the straight hair refused to have one unless I had one too. My hair, which had been to my waist had to be cut to about 1 inch in length - while my cousin of course was pleased. I have hated going to the hairdresser ever since. And Saturday is hair dye day - can hardly wait. So best of luck to you - and since it is always on my mind - please watch what you use on your skin as well - take it easy on the acids/retinols as they are not for everybody - especially me....See MoreWill tea bags help color a rug?
Comments (12)I just finished doing this coffee dye about 5 minutes ago. DH says it looks dirty but it is not as yellow as it was. Will let and dry and if I have to go over it again I will. I used brewed coffee and mixed instant coffee with it to make it really strong then dabbed on with a sponge brush to get really good down in the wool. It took about 4 cups of really strong coffee. My rug is 100% wool. Before After...See MoreOverdyed Rug Dye Problem
Comments (33)1. You had brought from the same person before and no problem. 2. This rug (however it got dirty) faded when it was cleaned-wet. So much so that the dye faded through to the rug below. 3. He has a no questions asked return policy. (He is probably buying these rugs for next to nothing and fixing them for the current overdyed craze.) To me his return policy means that he can afford to take them back. 4. Reading the how to dye a rug link in a post closer to the top of this page, it says it has to be a WOOL rug. Back in our first years we dyed a nylon rug and it looked great, but it was at the front door and when it got damp from walking on it, it faded onto the wood floor. I didn't think I was ever going to get the dye out! 5. I think he may have got ahold of a rug that was not wool and the dye didn't take. I had a rug at one time that looked just like wool, but it was a synthetic. I would return the rug if I could, BECAUSE the dye runs and it will stain the floor. Any rug will have to be cleaned at some point or someone will walk on it with wet shoes or spill a drink on it. 6. If it cannot be returned, you could take it outside this spring and clean it throughly, and redye the entire rug. (We used Rit dye), However, I would hang it on a wall and not trust it on the floor. Sorry for the super long post....See MoreIt's Tues tea time - where are you?
Comments (15)Well I totally missed Tuesday and today I have been hauling butt around here getting ready for company to arrive. Tuesday was a long shopping day with friend. Not pleasure shopping but needed shopping. We had a good time doing all of it and both of us are agreeable on where we need to go and when etc so it went smoothly. Just long with so many stops. I am a total power shopper when it comes to needed things. Go in with list. Fill list go out. Blinders on the whole way. I still have so much to get done before I am ready for them to arrive. It will be tomorrow afternoon so I still have some time tomorrow. BUT I want to get finished tonight as much as possible so I can be rested and not frazzled when they do get here. Take some ME time to calm and pamper myself. I will not even bother listing what I am doing as it is too much even for my brain I just needed a cool down break and a big glass of iced tea. Lemon Ginger. Caroline I hope the splitting the hours up works for you and does not frazzle you twice in one week. ImHappy always good to take good care of the TaTas. I found wonderful bras on Ebay called Breezies. Fit well three hooks ,in my size, and wider shoulder straps that do not dig in. Or fall off the shoulder constantly. They were about 9 dollars with out going to go look. Murraysmom I am drooling over those dishes. The colors are so pretty and being CZ glass I am sure they sparkle like crazy. A quick hello to every one I need to get back to work here....See MoreRelated Professionals
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