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Regarding Tick Borne diseases

16 years ago

I want to thank those who responded about my dilema with getting my dog help and on the correct antibiotic for suspected tick disease. Still dont know what it was, whether Rocky Mt. spotted fever(tested low Positive a week after he got sick) or anaplasmosis or other? All the Vets I took him to didnt think his sickness was related to the engorged tick I found on him several days before. I insisted on Doxycycline after going through hell for a week and He imediately improved. I know most Vets will try their best to make your pet well again but I've learned I have to do my own research also If they cant diagnose the problem. Some Vets just will NOT listen. I've found this out the hard way. I've worked as a Vet tech for many years (now retired) If a Vet cant help, you have to find help someplace! or try another vet. (I went through quite a few, all different speacialties.) If your pet is not acting right or is in pain, you absolutely have an obligation to seek med. help and a Vet is the way to go, but you know your pet best and They should listen and test accordingly. I had tons of printed information on tick borne disease for my Vet to read to back up my suspicions,to no avail.My pup was given massive amounts of fluids while he was in intensive care which is the worst thing you can do for Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, he got worse.Thank God he recovered at home with the Doxy. Just finished a month of Doxycycline. Hope we're done with this!

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