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Another stoooopid pet owner neighbor

14 years ago

I wish people like this would have a flashing neon sign that says "Not Pet-Worthy" . I'm speaking specifically of my neighbor. ggggrrrrrrr........... I just need to vent . They have a 6 year old black lab . They decided to mate him with another lab and get the pick of the litter. The pick of the litter is now 3 years old .

Both dogs are kept in the basement all day ( they both work ) when outside - they are in a small pen. ( 6 x 6 )

Last week - they gave the young one away bedcause "he was as dumb as a bucket of rocks" ( her words ) AND --- having 2 dogs shedding drove her crazy. HUH ?? I beg your pardon ?

** Neither dog is fixed - they do tend to sneak out and run away . They won't look for them - they wait for someone to call the number on their tag . Neither of them get paid any attention - thus - not dumb - just never trained. Shedding ? Of course 2 dogs are going to shed more than one . DUH. I could go on and on . Maybe I should be GLAD they gave the dog away - I'm sure he'll have a better home.

Thanks for letting me vent . In my world ... people can call me any terrible name they can think of. But if anyone ever called me "Not Pet Worthy " ... that would be the most hurtful insult I could ever get. Thank goodness all my dogs have a wonderful home. Everyone here is great -- AND -- pet worthy ! (( Hugs to all of you ))

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