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What is a drug?

15 years ago

Two days ago my daughter came home with a little red bracelet that said "Realtors say NO to Drugs". I asked her where she got it, she said they gave it to her at school. I asked her if she knew what a drug is. She said yes. Drugs are like beer and wine. Later she said, and cigarettes.

What!??! I told her that under that definition, drugs are anything that alter the bodies natural state of being. Drugs are sometimes helpful, like tylenol, and sometimes harmful, like sugar. But in moderation, sugar and tylenol are not harmful to a person.

She said, well my teacher told me that alcohol kills you. Ok, I agree, to a point. Alcohol CAN kill, esp. if you mix it with driving. But alcohol does not kill any more than guns kill. People overindulge, and they die. Same as with eating junk food. People eat too much junk, they get high cholesterol, they don't exercise, they get heart failure and die.

What do you think about them teaching 6 year olds that drugs are alcohol and cigarettes? I personally don't want my daughter to think I'm doing drugs because I drink a glass of red wine a few nights a week. I don't smoke, we eat mostly vegetarian/low fat with red meat in moderation, we rarely eat fast food, she eats whole wheat bread and organics, doesn't drink soda often... we exercise and talk about healthy living.

At this age I want her to know about healthy lifestyle choices and how eating poorly, smoking anything (including standing over anything burning), and drinking anything but water/milk in excess can be harmful. Not misinformation that wine/beer/cigarettes are drugs without defining drugs.

I'm all for anti-drug education. But it needs to be educational, and accurate, or the kids won't listen. When I was young they'd say that marijuana would make you crazy and just one toke would make people do crazy violent things. Well, in the area I lived, over half of the students had a family member who smoked. And we all knew that smoking marijuana was not going to make someone aggressive and violent. It would just put them to sleep. We all knew to fear the drinkers rather than the smokers. So, because they overdramatized the danger in a way that was not true the kids tuned out. Heck, the town was so small we all knew police officers who were doing it. Had they focused on the damage to brain cells, or the memory loss, or the sperm counts going down, I'd bet a lot more kids would have listened.

Same as with alcohol. Focus on the result, not the action.

Drink too much, damage your liver.

Smoke, damage your lungs.

Drink and drive, kill or injure someone else or yourself.

Eat too much fast food, clog your arteries.

Eat too much sugar, develop diabetes.

Take too many OTC pain drugs, become unable to use pain medications for major injury because of resistance.

My DH thinks I'm overreacting. Maybe I am. I have a tendancy to do that. Any thoughts?

By the way, last night we got home from DD's martial arts at 6:30pm, made dinner, ate dinner, did her bath, got ready for bed. I poured myself a half a glass of red wine. She looked at me cross eyed.

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